“There will come a time when everybody will know why, for what purpose, there is all this suffering, and there will be no more mysteries. But now we must live … we must work, just work!” Anton Chekhov, the Three Sisters.

Home Arts, Homecoming: Supporting the resilience of Independent Syrian Performing Arts


And so life is art, and the unveiling of the ineffable. This is why art moves us – it’s not so much the revelation of something new, a new ground we must take, as it is a return to things we already deeply know. Art is, then, a kind of homecoming.”  Todd Henry, the creative revolution

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War devastates us; it tears our world and our existence apart. It hits us in the core and changes our perspective of life. War is cruel no matter how we look at it. It brings along so much death, injury, displacement and destruction.

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Because the show must go on no matter what, ATTC has exerted all efforts through its project Home Arts, Homecoming to ensure just that. The project worked on many levels to ensure fulfilling the following goals

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Why Art ?

Many studies prove that art is a healing tool; it helps us express the inexpressible, it preserves our humanity and our dignity and makes us feel alive in face of all kinds of challenges.

Art allows us to:

  • Dream and achieve our dreams,
  • Build perseverance, confidence and patience,
  • Keep our calm despite all odds,
  • Enhance our public speaking skills,
  • Adjust to changing environments,

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